The board has developed a policy for drugs and alcohol, as well as a policy for socializing.
Members and their families must know and respect these policies.
The policies are put in place so that our members, children and young people, their parents, our instructors and managers can feel safe frequenting and working in the club.
The policies are available on our website, Facebook and distributed via email.
Everyone is encouraged to read them, and instructors, managers and club board members have a duty to read them.
Policy on Alcohol and Drugs
For events and parties at the Club, current legislation is adhered to. This means no serving alcohol to young people under the age of 18.
The club expects our instructors and managers to show up sober.
The club expects parents driving riders and horses to competitions not to consume alcohol during this time. If a parent or other person suspects or has concrete examples of non-compliance with the club's alcohol policy, they are obliged to contact the board, which will decide what consequences the violation will have.
The club's indoor areas at Helgstrand Academy are completely non-smoking areas.
Smoking is allowed outdoors and cigarette butts etc. must always be placed in the outdoor ashtrays.
Consumption of euphoriant substances under club auspices will result in immediate suspension from the club.
In the case of a half-share rider, the half-share agreement will immediately be terminated
If the drug use involves children and young people, the SSP in Aalborg Municipality will be contacted.
If the sale/purchase of drugs is discovered on club premises or between club members, the police will be contacted. If you know or suspect that the club's policy on euphoriant substances is not being complied with, you are obliged to contact the board, who will then act in accordance with the above.
Social policy in Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub
The Social Policy includes policies in the following areas:
Children’s certificates
Social conventions
Children’s certificates:
It is mandatory to do background checks of all managers over the age of 15 who interact with children and young people under the age of 15 to reveal any convictions for sexual assault. Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub has established a procedure that ensures that children’s certificates are obtained for all instructors and board members at least once a year. Information about children’s certificates is treated confidentially.
If a person has a criminal record, they cannot work in the club. Everyone has a duty to contact the board or committee chairs of the club if they hear rumors of abuse or suspect that something is wrong. The board and committee chairs then decide what action to take on the notification.
Social conventions
At Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub, we speak to each other in a nice manner. This means that we do not accept lewd or otherwise ugly or offensive remarks. This applies both in speech and writing - including text messages and social media.
During group lessons, the instructors are required to ensure that this is adhered to by promptly intervening if it happens. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their children's sports life. They know the child best and are therefore better able to recognize if the child is not thriving.
If you suspect or have noticed that the club's conduct policy is not being complied with, you must contact the board, which must act accordingly. The Board of Directors also determines the consequences of the violation.
As a supplement to the social policy, some guidelines have been drawn up for parents who have children who participate in sports activities at Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub:
1 Attend lessons, competitions and events - your child will appreciate it.
2 If you have young children who ride, please offer your help during lessons.
3 Stay calm in the spectator areas - leave the children to ride and the instructor to lead the lesson.
4 Respect the instructor's decisions
5 Create a good atmosphere when you are at the club - be positive and supportive.
6 Support the sense of community and the club’s work - your efforts will be appreciated, not least by your child.
The board of Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub.
January 2025
Social media: Link to separate rules for social media
Link to Privacy Policy
Contact us
Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub
Grindstedvej 54, 9310 Vodskov
Tel: -
E-mail: info@uggerhalnesportsrideklub.dk
CVR: 33188390