Rules of conduct

Applying to Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub and Helgstrand Academy


Rules of conduct for Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub & Helgstrand Academy

Everyone frequenting the premises must follow these rules




Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub (USR) is an association under the Danish Equestrian Federation. Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub is subject to the Danish General Adult Education Act. The purpose of the riding club is to promote equestrian sports.


At Uggerhalne Sports Rideklub, there is room for everyone. Non-elite and elite alike, and children, young people and the elderly. Uggerhalne Sports Rideklub values animal welfare, commitment, comradeship and helpfulness highly. We show consideration for each other, the experienced help the less experienced, the big help the small. Everyone should use a positive, appreciative and friendly way of talking to each other.



General rules of conduct


Everyone must wear an approved riding helmet while mounted. When lunging, you must also wear a riding helmet.


Everyone under the age of 18 must wear a safety vest while jumping. Reference is also made to both the club's and the Danish Equestrian Federation's safety rules.

Everyone who rides at Helgstrand Academy (HA) must be a member of Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub and pay the membership fee.

Everyone who has horses stabled at Helgstrand Academy must pay stable money to Helgstrand, which includes a facility fee.

External equipages who receive lessons at Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub must pay a facility fee (currently DKK 50 per lesson).

It is the instructor's duty to ensure during each lesson that the lesson fee has been paid to the club, and, for external equipages, that the facility fees are also paid.

For group lessons, the club charges the lesson fees monthly in advance, and for external equipages also the facility fees.

The instructors at Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub are either riding masters employed at Helgstrand (primarily one-on-one lessons) or appointed by Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub’s board (primarily group lessons).

The premises of Helgstrand Academy may be used weekdays from 07:00 - 22:00, Saturday and Sunday from 07:00 - 20:00.

During school holidays, the indoor arenas may not be used until after 12.00, as Helgstrand Academy must have the opportunity to use the arenas for everyday work before the half-share/private riders ride.

See also special rules for the use of the riding arenas.



At events, any refreshments enjoyed in the rider’s common room at Helgstrand Academy must be purchased from the club.


Members must show good and calm conduct when they frequent the premises of Helgstrand Academy. Members are obliged to comply with the instructions given by the general manager and the board.


Horses are stabled at your own expense and risk. The board cannot be held responsible for damages and the like that may occur in connection with frequenting Helgstrand Academy.


Complaints about members, the landlord or the general manager must be submitted to the board.



In the stable


Only horses that are stabled at Helgstrand may be brought into to the stables.

Hooves must always be cleaned when the horse leaves the box.

The stable aisles must be swept after use.

Equipment must not be left in the stable aisles.

Only one blanket may hang on the box.

The window on the box front must not be open.

The lights must be turned off in the stable after 22:00 on weekdays and 20:00 on weekends.





All horses that are stabled at Helgstrand Academy must be excluded from human consumption and adhere to the current rules for influenza vaccination. In addition, all horses must be vaccinated for equine herpes (EHV) twice a year. The vaccinations for EHV will be handled by Helgstrand Academy, however, USR is responsible for the vaccination of the lesson horses.

Upon a horse's arrival at Helgstrand Academy, the horse passport must be handed over to the stable manager, who will store the passport in a locked cabinet with a code. USR stores the passports for the lesson horses.

Every time a horse is removed from the stable, this must be entered in the book of CHR registration.




Feeding with PAVO feed and wrapped hay is offered.

If you wish to provide your own feed, portion bags must be made for each meal and are hung upon the box so that the floor in front of the box is always cleared.

The concentrated feed is distributed 4 times a day (at 07.00, 11.00, 16.00 and 20.00) and the feeding is handled by the staff from Helgstrand Academy.

USR's lesson horses are exempt from this scheme.

Own feed bags/supplements must be stored in closed, named containers in the barn.

The horses receive hay twice a day (at 07.00 and 15.00).


 Saddling area


The space must be cleaned immediately after use.

Equipment may not be left in the saddling area, even while riding.

Equipment is stored in the tack room in locked lockers.

The lights must be turned off after 22:00 on weekdays and 20:00 on weekends.



In the indoor arenas


Arena 1: Used on weekdays by Helgstrand Academy approx. until 16.00. After this, there will be group lessons and individual riding for pony equipages and lesson horses. See separate plan for group lessons.

Arena 2: Used on weekdays by Helgstrand Academy approx. until 16.00.

Between 16:00 and 19:00, riders stabled at the Academy are allowed to ride in the hall, and between 19:00 and 22:00, the arena is open for one-on-one lessons and individual riding for all horse equipages with facility access.

The lights must be turned off after 22:00, weekends at 20:00.


During school holidays, the indoor arenas may not be used until after 12.00, as Helgstrand Academy must have the opportunity to use the arenas for everyday work before the half-share/private riders ride.

Lessons must be respected. A plan for the use of the arenas can be found at the entrance to the riding arenas. In the case of group lessons, the instructor decides whether there is room for individual riders who may wish to enter.



On weekdays: lunging is not allowed in the arenas during lessons unless permission is given by the instructor.

Weekends: the person who wants to lunge must ask permission from the riders who are riding in the arena.


Show consideration to the riders currently in the arena when entering. Mount and dismount your horse where you are the least in the way.

Never walk on the rail/the outside track if other riders are riding there at a faster gait.



When two riders ride towards each other, pass left hand to left hand. If you ride anti-clockwise, you will stay on the rail when meeting another rider, while the rider riding clockwise will pass you on the inside.


Riders stabled at Helgstrand Academy are allowed to organize jumping on Sundays from 08:00 to 13:00. Jumping is only allowed for riders who participate in Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub's organized jumping lessons.

There must always be a responsible show jumper present, i.e. a show jumper at district level, a master rider or rider trainee, or a board member who will take responsibility for the set-up course.

All jumping material must be completely cleared up before the person responsible leaves the place. The jumping material belongs to Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub and must be treated with respect. In the event of damage to poles or the like, the board must be notified.


No loose horses in the riding arena.

Droppings and other waste must be removed immediately after using the arena.

The hooves must be cleaned when the horse leaves the arena.


When the arenas, and the equestrian center in general, is taken up by the club's or Helgstrand's events, this will be posted by the board or the general manager in reasonable time, this must be respected by other members.

Maintenance work in the arenas must be respected by the riders.

The instructor is responsible for the behaviour during lessons, and is accountable to the club's rules, horse welfare and riding ethics in general.






It is not allowed to ride/lead lesson horses through stables 1 and 2, the horses must be lead around, i.e. outside at the pony stable and towards the outdoor arenas along stable 2.


No riding or staying is allowed on the grassy areas outside the paddocks.

The designated dressage arenas must be used, please note that some arenas are closed for daily use.

Make sure to remove droppings and other waste from the arena immediately after use.


The jumping arena must be left tidy (no poles on the ground or overturned jumps) and of course cleaned.


Riders stabled at Helgstrand Academy are allowed to organize jumping outdoors. Jumping is only allowed for riders who participate in Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub's organized jumping lessons.


There must always be a responsible show jumper present, i.e. a show jumper at district level, a master rider or rider trainee, or a board member who will take responsibility for the set-up course.


The arena must be completely cleared up before the person in charge leaves the place.

The jumping material belongs to Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub and must be treated with respect. In the event of damage to poles or the like, the board must be notified. The cart with the jumps must always be placed in the garage after use.


All driving and parking at Helgstrand Academy happen at your own risk and must be done considerately and with a respectful distance to animals and people.


Riding in traffic and nature


For horseback riding in nature, see the Danish Nature Agency's guide

For riding in traffic, see the Danish Equestrian Federation's guidelines


Please also see our rules regarding SoMe



Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub, May 2024

Board: Lise Knudsen, 21246489

General Manager: Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard, 21291382








Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub

Grindstedvej 54, 9310 Vodskov



CVR: 33188390