Safety rules and emergency plan
Applies to Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub and Helgstrand Academy
Safety rules and emergency plan for Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub
Rules to heighten safety and guidance on what to do if something goes wrong
General requirement for all club members, which must always be observed when being present at the club's facilities/location
Wear an approved riding helmet when riding and lunging the horse.
Wear safe footwear fitting your activities.
All riders under the age of 18 must wear an approved safety vest during all jumping training at the club's premises. Adult members are recommended to wear a safety vest.
Never tie yourself to a horse.
Always lead the horse with a lead rope or bridle.
Do not run and shout when handling or being near horses.
Devices such as whips, spurs and bits may only be used to guide and correct the horse in adherence with the horse's natural behavioral response patterns and learning potential and never as punishment.
In the stable
Have an adult accompany you when you bring in your horse from the paddock.
Lesson horses must use USR's grooming area, between arenas 1 and 2.
When leading horses from the pony stable to the grooming area, always go through stable 2 and not through the Helgstrand saddling area.
The stable and grooming area is for riders and helpers.
In order be allowed to be alone in the stable, the member must have passed Ryttermærke 3 or have equivalent knowledge and be over 12 years of age.
Children and young people under the age of 15 must wear a safety-approved riding helmet whenever handling and being near horses, whether in the stable, paddock, etc. Exceptions are the helpers on the Monday/Wednesday teams.
Treats should not be given to horses in the stable as this may cause unrest and dangerous situations.
Horses may not be loose in the stable aisle.
Only leave your horse alone in the grooming area for a short time and ask others to keep an eye on it.
Don't leave grooming equipment etc. in the stable aisle.
Sandals and other open footwear may never be worn in the stable or saddling area.
No loose dogs are allowed in the barn as they can contribute to triggering accidents.
In the paddock
Horses being lead in the paddock must at the least wear a halter and lead rope.
If several people are leading horses into the paddocks at the same time, horses may only be released when everyone is ready.
To let horses out or bring in horses from the paddock, the rider must have passed Ryttermærke 3 or have equivalent skills and knowledge.
No hay may be given in the paddock except as needed in the USR paddock.
Indoor arenas, outdoor arenas & the forest
Walk off the rail/the outside track during non-lesson riding sessions. Pass each other left hand to left hand. Free choice of direction.
To participate in "individual riding" outside lessons, the rider must have passed Ryttermærke 3 or have equivalent skills.
No spectators and/or persons other than riders and instructors, as well as any helpers, are allowed in the arena (on the track).
The Road Traffic Act must be observed, and everyone is obliged to show consideration for other road users, REMEMBER lights after dark, and plan to bring lights if you get home late - Follow the DRF's recommendations on riding in traffic.
Riding alone in the forest is only allowed for seniors over 18 years old, anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult horse-savvy person. Different rules apply to half-share riders, see the half-share rules.
We also refer to the Danish Equestrian Federation's safety rules.
All activities in the stable and on the club's premises, with or without a horse, happen at your own risk.
This also applies to conditions regarding parking of cars and trailers. Park only in designated spaces and keep a safe distance from horses and riding.
See also the club's rules of conduct.
The board, September 2023
Emergency response plan for serious accidents
Injury or illness requiring urgent care:
Stop the accident!
Provide life-saving first aid
Call for help: CALL ALARM 1-1-2
Your name and phone number
Address: Grindstedvej 54
What happened, where.
Meeting point for the help
Stay with the casualty until help arrives
Mark or cordon off the accident site to prevent injury to others
Contact one of the below persons and report the accident:
Lise Knudsen: 21246489
Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard: 21291382
First aid kits
First aid kit for humans can be found in the rider’s common room
First aid kit for horses is located in the tack room of the lesson horses
The defibrillator / AED is located in the entrance hall by the restrooms.
Fire and evacuation instructions
The person who discovers a fire must immediately alert everyone nearby by shouting "Fire!"
In case of fire, call the emergency services at 1-1-2 to get help
Provide the following information:
Where the fire is
What is burning
Whether there are any injured people
In case of a fire alarm, everyone must leave the buildings immediately
Check that everyone has exited the buildings
Help injured people and provide first aid
Start extinguishing the fire with the building's fire extinguishing equipment
If this is not possible, close doors and windows to the burning area, but do not lock the doors
One person will receive the emergency services, direct them to the location of the fire scene and inform them about any missing persons or casualties
Contact information
Uggerhalne Sportsrideklub
Grindstedvej 54, 9310 Vodskov
Tel: -
CVR: 33188390